Be Better

Be Better is the January 2023 training course. The purpose of this is to find ways within your existence to make you better. A better submissive, a better person, a better pet. While this course is not specifically erotic there are hints, cause well, have you met me? 😉

This is a conversation, well more of a monologue between you and me. I am enlightening you on the dimensions of wellness and exploring where you can do better, be better.

Be Better – Part 1:

The first part should last a minimum of 10 days. During which you will watch the video and journal as instructed. I am asking you to look at the dimensions of wellness and see where you see places where you can make improvements.

I expect everyone to be journaling and writing their thoughts and ideas during this phase. Self-awareness is key.

Be Better – Part 2:

This second part is focused on places I feel most people could improve and suggestions to make the necessary changes. This is primarily about behaviour changes in your daily life. Ways to put being better at the forefront of your mind.

Journaling will continue. In this phase you will focus primarily on where you may struggle when making the necessary changes, and ways you may need to modify. Remember always that the changes need to be realistic in order to be lasting. Bring any struggles you have here to me to explore them more deeply.

Be Better – Part 3:

The third and final part of this adventure is focused on being a better submissive. How you can strive to improve the life of your Domme using the dimensions of wellness to find your place.

This doesn’t not necessarily need to be focused on me. I will give my thoughts and opinions on how it pertains to my subs, however this will be useful no matter who you are serving.

Purchase Be Better:

The training guide will be available for purchase as of January 1st through my LoyalFans Video store.

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